
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cyberdrome Footnotes - Part 1

I consider Cyberdrome "hard" science fiction in that every bit of technology is based on current cutting-edge research (I'm a scientist in real life and I had access to a lot of stuff while researching the book). However, in an attempt to make the book as widely acceptable as possible (especially as a debut novel from an unknown author), I made a decision to write Cyberdrome as a classic "Mythological Hero's Journey" (See Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"). As Carl Jung said, "The repeating characters of the hero myth, such as the young hero, the wise old man, the shape-shifting woman, and the shadowy nemesis, are identical with the archetypes of the human mind, as shown in dreams. That's why myths, and stories constructed on the mythological model, are always psychologically true." If you are familiar with this concept, you will probably recognize each of these archetypes throughout my book. 

Of course, it doesn't hurt that many modern film makers, including Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Francis Coppola, follow this format as well (and don't we all want our books to be made into movies? ;)

One thing that separates Cyberdrome from from other "hero's quest" stories (including The Matrix and Star Wars) is that Alek (the protagonist) does NOT believe that he is "following his destiny" - in fact he says he is not, right in the story. So maybe he is a bit more of an anti-hero like Thomas Covenant in Stephen Donaldson's "Unbeliever" series (or even Malcolm Reynolds in the movie, Serenity), in that he is following the most obvious path that lies before him, but he doesn't believe it has anything to do with destiny. It's just a path and it is one that he has chosen for himself, not the other way around.

To be continued...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Introducung Cyberdrome: The Science Fiction Thriller by Joseph Rhea and David Rhea

A disturbing glimpse into a digital future, not far from now.

Mathew Grey is a brilliant scientist who accidentally unleashed a man-made plague that ravaged America’s heartland, and now threatens the rest of the planet. Riddled with guilt and running out of time, he decides to use a dangerous technology to enter a computer-generated reality called Cyberdrome, hoping to unravel a mystery that could be the key to Earth’s survival.

Alek Grey was an athlete whose career was cut short by a near-fatal accident. Now he is a software hacker with the unique ability to outsmart the best Artificial Intelligence programs of his day. When he is called in after one of his programs inadvertently attacks Cyberdrome, he is shocked to learn that both his father and ex-fiancĂ©e have become trapped inside the simulation, unable to be removed without risk of death. 

Alek knows of only one way to rescue the people he loves, but will he risk all of humanity to save them?

As you can probably tell by the cover, Cyberdrome is similar to the movie "Tron" and "Tron:Legacy" in that much of the story takes place inside a computer-generated virtual reality. However, it also shares similarities with other, more current, movies like "Avatar" where the disabled hero finds freedom in an alternate body (avatar), and "Inception" where there is the real fear of becoming trapped inside this alternate reality and even living whole lifetimes in within a few minutes of "real" time.

Beyond those, however, Cyberdrome distinguishes itself by dealing with cutting-edge topics like the Technological Singularity, DNA-based computer systems, and using nanotechnology inside a person's brain. The story takes place around 30 years from now and all technology is based on extrapolation of current research.

If this sounds like something you might like, then by all means, buy the book. If not, then just walk on by, and thanks for looking.