
Monday, June 17, 2013

Almost there: Novella passing through final stages of publication

It's kind of depressing to realize that the "publisher" half of my novelist sideline might end up taking longer than the "writer" half. I completed the manuscript to my new scifi novella in under 3 months (a record for me.) It has now taking over 2 full months to work it through beta readers, then have it edited, and finally polished by me. I also went through numerous variations of the blurb (which is quite important for online sales.) Now I am having second thoughts about the cover I had planned, so I am experimenting with something very different. My artist brother, Dave, will be rendering the new cover soon (hopefully) and it will be perfect and all will be well in the world (again, hopefully.)

On the positive side, I am very happy with the 26,000-word story as it now stands and will feel no trepidation when I release it to the world. Hopefully, that will be in a month or so . Stay tuned...