
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Adding "Books" tab to your Facebook page

Finally figured out how to add a "Books" tab to my Facebook page  so that people can buy my books directly from Amazon, without having to go through my website The links also show editorial and customer reviews. Sweet deal!

I learned how to add the book tab here:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Novum: Rubicon now has a cover - and it's brilliant!

Late last night, my brother, Dave (, sent me the newest version of the book jacket he's been designing for "Novum: Rubicon" - the next installment in my scifi series. I have to tell you that it blew me away! We've been working on it for a couple of weeks now (that is to say, I give him suggestions, and he makes something, and sends it to me for feedback,) and we were both getting frustrated because nothing was working. I had this idea of what I needed the book to convey, while at the same time, have it fit with the theme of the first two book covers, which was really difficult. Well, he came up with the final solution on his own and it's brilliant. I'm really looking forward to showing you all the cover - all I need to do now is finish writing the darn thing.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Holiday sale!

I'm starting the holiday season early by putting all three of my science fiction books on sale (two are less than a dollar!)

Cyberdrome  (was $5.99, now $4.99)
Novum  (was $2.99, now $0.99)
Novum: Exile  (was $2.99, now $0.99)

This is for all ebooks from all distributors (Amazon, Apple, Sony, etc) all over the world.

Go to

Monday, November 3, 2014

NaNoWriMo (my way)

I'm taking advantage of a rare two hour writing window tonight to officially start the 3rd book in my scifi series, Novum. It will be called Novum: Rubicon and it involves a long and dangerous journey into the unknown for the crew of the Rogue Wave.

I'm actually hoping to make this the beginning of my own version of #NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month ) where I will attempt to complete this 30k word novella in one month.

That's about three times faster than my normal so it's probably not doable with my schedule, but I will make a valiant effort. Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Three books finished!

Three books finished, all with great covers by my brother Dave ( I guess that means next week I start book number four.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Novum: Exile goes live on Monday, Sept 1st (Labor Day)

Novum: Exile goes live on Monday, Sept 1st (Labor Day)
Pre-order the Kindle or Apple version now for just 99 cents!
Global links:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All three of my books are now available on iTunes

For all of you Apple readers out there, all three of my books are now available in the iBook store for the first time!

Novum: Exile:

Novum: Exile goes live in 6 days!

Novum: Exile goes live in 6 days (Sept 1st) Pre-order the Kindle version now for just 99 cents! Global links here:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Novum: Exile goes live in 7 days!

Novum: Exile goes live in 7 days (Sept 1st) Pre-order the Kindle version now for just 99 cents! Global links here:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Introducing NOVUM: EXILE

The 2nd book in my Novum series now has a title - and a brand new cover!
Introducing NOVUM: EXILE  (click image to learn more)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Novum-2 Update

Well, the beta-reads and edits are nearly finished (thanks again to all who helped) and now I'm waiting for a brand new cover design from my brother, Dave. Can't wait to see it.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Novum-2 2nd draft now complete

I finished my final edit to Novum-2 and will be sending out to my beta readers next. Now the waiting begins...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Novum-2 first draft is finished.

Boom! The first draft of Novum-2 is finished, clocking in at 27,000 words (which happens to be nearly identical to Novum-1.)

I'll probably add another 3,000 words during my rewrites, but then a few hundred will be cut during the lengthy editing process. That's how it least for me. 

In related news, my brother Dave just sent me the final version of the Novum-2 cover, so that's great timing. I won't give a date yet, but expect the book to be out in a couple of months, maybe July (which also, coincidentally, is when Novum-1 was published last year.)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Novum-2 update

After 2 weeks of fighting family colds, I wrote another thousand words tonight bringing my sequel manuscript up to 15,000 words. It was an exciting scene where somebody tells the rogue wave crew that a major event in their history didn't happen! Or is he lying?  Oops, said too much...

Also, Novum received its 25th review yesterday. Another nice one. Thanks to all who have taking the time to write a review on Amazon or goodreads. You people rock!

Friday, April 4, 2014

This is why new authors sometimes give books away

Last week I ran a 5-day giveaway of my scifi story, "Novum" on Amazon, and during that short window, more than 5,000 copies were downloaded. You might ask why I, or any other author, would give away so many free copies of their book. For me, the answer is simple: publicity. Novum is the first book in a series, and I felt giving away copies would help get the word out. A good book, or even a halfway decent book, means very little if no one knows it exists. Also, while 5,000 copies seems like a lot of books to just give away, it is actually a tiny drop in a very large bucket in terms of potential readers.

Now I have to say the biggest surprise to me, and the real "payback" for this effort, is that Novum has received 12 new reviews in the past 11 days, which is more than double what it had before (5 of those reviews came within the last 24 hours, including one as I was writing this!) Even including the few "expected" negative reviews centered on the fact that Novum is short (it is a 26,000-word novella, compared to my first book, Cyberdrome, which is a full 96,000-word novel) the reviews have all been overwhelmingly positive.

During March, I also ran a promotion on to give away 10 paperback copies of Novum. That promotion generated over 700 people who wanted a copy, so I have to include that number as additional potential future readers.

All in all, I believe I received far more than I gave...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Novum on sale for just 99 cents!

After a hugely successful week-long promotion, I've dropped the $2.99 #Kindle edition of Novum down to $0.99 for another week or so.

US link:
Global links:

Monday, March 24, 2014

Both books on sale this week (and one is FREE!)

There's nothing like having a party and forgetting to send out the invitations.

So apparently CYBERDROME is on sale for just 99 cents in the US and UK (down from $5.99) and NOVUM is absolutely #free all over the darn planet (usually $2.99) Please considering passing the word around since I forgot to.

Here are the US links:


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New facebook pages for both books

I just created official Facebook pages for both of my books. They are:


If you have either of these books 'liked' in your fb page, please update your links to these pages.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Crossed the 10k word barrier on Novum-2 yesterday

Crossed the 10k word barrier on Novum-2 yesterday, and I'm less than 1/4 the way through my outline. This is turning out to be much beefier than Novum was, which is great. If it hits 40k it is technically a novel. And I still have 2 more stories in this particular story arc...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Goodreads March Book Giveaway for Novum

Goodreads is having a month-long contest to give away 10 paperback copies of my new sci-fi book, Novum. The contest runs March 1-31, and you just need to be a Goodreads member to enter. Membership is free and so is the book (if you win.)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Passed 8,000 words with Novum-2 tonight.

Finally back to working on Novum-2 after a short hiatus, and passed 8,000 words tonight. I also added a scene that will be "brought to life" in the near future by my brother, Dave, as a CGI movie. Woot.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More Movies

I uploaded three more Novum CGI test movies to my website. All were created by my brother, Dave. Check them out...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Novum Test Movie

My brother, Dave ( just sent me a new test movie showing a 10-second walk-through of the captains' quarters of the Rogue Wave, which is the cargo/salvage vessel featured prominently in my new book, Novum. Click below to watch the movie, and expect more like this in the near future...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nine chapters finished and website updated

I finished nine chapters of Novum-2 last night and also completed the redesign of my author website, "Didn't you just redesign your site last month?" you ask, and I reply, "Why, yes I did." And then I add, "What's it to you? Am I not allowed to waste spend my precious free time any way I like?" But then you say, "Didn't you tell us that you wanted to finish Novum-2 this winter, so that you can release it to the waiting masses this spring?" and I am forced to agree with you. I'm glad we had this discussion, and now without further time-wastage, I will get back to writing the book you are all waiting for... :)